Jesus Lover of My Soul: Fresh Pathways to Spiritual Passion

Julian’s latest book opens up the ‘spiritual meaning’ of the Song of Songs as a portrait of the love between Christ and his followers, collectively and individually.

Available from IVP (e-book or paperback) and 10ofThose (paperback).

Fresh Pathways in Prayer

If you’ve ever felt like you’re the only person who’s thought that prayer is a bit strange, then this is the book for you. It can feel wrong to admit that having a conversation with someone we can’t see can feel rather unusual. Prayer is one of those disciplines that we all know we should be doing more regularly and perhaps enjoying more than we are, but the reality is that it can be something even mature Christians find a struggle. Prayer doesn’t come naturally to most of us which can leave us feeling guilty, stuck in a rut, or far away from God.

Julian Hardyman tackles head-on those questions we all have about prayer, but feel we can’t ask. He gives us permission to be honest about how our prayer lives are going and he provides fresh, practical ideas to help us to enjoy talking to our heavenly Father.

Available as e-book or paperback.

The Joy of Service

Self–denial and sacrifice are unpopular ideas in our culture. Even as Christians, it can be all too easy to make temporary happiness our goal. We can doubt that the call to take up our cross and follow Jesus is actually for our good.

In this honest book, experienced pastor Julian Hardyman discusses the relationship between serving, ministry and joy. He writes openly of how his own experience of suffering has shaped his ministry. He explains that pain and suffering are not only to be expected, but are the tools that God uses to equip us to serve others joyfully.

Available as e-book or paperback.

Idols - God’s battle for our hearts

“Julian Hardyman is increasingly convinced that idolatry - putting anything else in the place that is rightfully God’s - explains us and our problems... ...He has also found that God is engaged in a war to win back our hearts.”

Available as e-book or paperback.

Maximum Life - All for the glory of God

Previously published under the title Glory Days. “In this book Julian Hardyman reclaims all of life for God’s glory and helps us discover where that sports skill, passion for politics or flair with fashion might fit into God’s plans for an abundant life.”

Available as e-book or paperback.