The following list provides links to other churches and organisations with which Eden has some affinity. Please note however that Eden is not responsible for the content of these sites and that the existence of a link here does not constitute an endorsement of all that appears on these sites.
Eden is affiliated to the FIEC
Around Cambridge
Grace Church
Rock Baptist
Christ Church Trumpington
Hope Community Church, Teversham
The Round Church at St Andrew The Great (STAG)
St. Andrews Street Baptist Church
Christ Church
CICCU - Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union
Christian Heritage Cambridge
Tyndale House
Romsey Mill Youth and Community Centre
The Jubilee Centre
Cambridge Papers
Grace Baptist Mission
Operation Mobilisation
Serving In Mission
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Advocacy for the poor
Trade Justice Movement
Jubilee Debt Campaign
International Justice Mission
Other UK-based Organisations
Evangelical Alliance
Scripture Union
Evangelicals Now
The Martyn Lloyd-Jones Recordings Trust
Word Alive
GraceNet UK
Oak Hill College
Debt counselling/Money advice
Christians Against Poverty
Cambridge Money Advice Centre
Other non-UK organisations
Christianity and Science
Christians in Science
Science & Christian Belief journal
Christian Scholar’s Review
Internet Christian Library
John Piper
Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
Third Millennium Ministries