
The post of Elder at Eden is described in part by this extract from "A Firm Foundation", Eden’s statement of Articles of Faith and Rules of Practice:

“Among the regular tasks of the elders' priority must always be given to the supervision of all aspects of the teaching and pastoral ministry of the Church. In particular, they are to ensure that all who minister the Word to the congregation share our fundamental convictions concerning the nature and content of the Gospel of Christ. In respect of pastoral work, the elders must ensure that all members receive spiritual help and counsel.”

See also 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:7-9 (where the term “Overseer” is used in place of “Elder”).


The post of Deacon at Eden is described in part by this extract from "A Firm Foundation":

“The deacons are to be concerned with the practical details of church life, undertaking tasks of administration, maintenance and the care of church members in need of material help within the broad policy established by the elders.”

See also 1 Timothy 3:8-13.

Each deacon shares in duties such as opening up the church for services and locking up afterwards. Each also has certain special areas of responsibility.