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2016 Title/Series Scripture/Speaker Downloads

Sep 04


The message of Christ in five short words

Miscellaneous 2016

Matthew 11:28-30 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 23mins


The kindness of God

Miscellaneous 2016

Titus 3:3-8 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 26mins

Aug 28


Why should I believe you?

Miscellaneous 2016

1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Bobby Jamieson Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 40mins


God in the house

Miscellaneous 2016

Ephesians 3:14-21 Andrew Fellows Play Audio Download MP3 31mins

Aug 21


God’s (hidden) plan for world mission

Miscellaneous 2016

Romans 16 Peter Comont Play Audio Download MP3 42mins


The first shall be last

Tales of the unexpected

Luke 16:19-31 Peter Malik Play Audio Download MP3 30mins

Aug 14


Joy in darkness

Miscellaneous 2016

Habakkuk 3:16-19 Graham Shearer Play Audio Download MP3 33mins


The parable of the great banquet

Tales of the unexpected

Luke 14:15-24 Graham Shearer Play Audio Download MP3 37mins

Aug 07


The ascension of Christ and our lives on earth

Miscellaneous 2016

Luke 24:50-53 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 30mins


The final reckoning

Tales of the unexpected

Luke 19:11-27 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 35mins

Jul 31


How God’s kingdom grows

Tales of the unexpected

Luke 13:18-20 Craig Summers Play Audio Download MP3 31mins

Jul 24


Taking God at his word

Miscellaneous 2016

2 Peter 1 Dave Gobbett Play Audio Download MP3 39mins


How not to be a rich fool

Tales of the unexpected

Luke 12:13-21 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 32mins

Jul 17


The church, God’s centre for growth

Miscellaneous 2016

Ephesians 4:7-16 Steve Auld Play Audio Download MP3 37mins


The God who answers prayer

Tales of the unexpected

Luke 11:5-8 Josh Hemmings Play Audio Download MP3 23mins

Jul 10


Seeds of life

Tales of the unexpected

Luke 8:4-15 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 35mins

Jul 03


Why green is good and good is green

Miscellaneous 2016

Psalm 104 Christopher Ash Play Audio Download MP3 42mins


Loving your neighbour - actions not words

Tales of the unexpected

Luke 10:25-37 Dave Ellerton Play Audio Download MP3 34mins

Jun 26


Trembling at God’s word

Something to shout about (Isaiah 48-66)

Isaiah 66 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 43mins


Your place at his feast

Miscellaneous 2016

Matthew 8:5-13 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 22mins

Jun 19


New creation - our new home

Something to shout about (Isaiah 48-66)

Isaiah 65 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 43mins


Clean at Last! Clean at Last!

Miscellaneous 2016

Matthew 8:1-4 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 23mins

Jun 12


Driven to our knees

Something to shout about (Isaiah 48-66)

Isaiah 63:7 - 64:12 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 42mins


Approaching the EU referendum

Miscellaneous 2016

Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 36mins

Jun 05


Solid foundations

The Greatest Sermon Ever (Matthew 5-7)

Matthew 7:21-29 Steve Auld Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 43mins
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