2024 Title/Series Scripture/Speaker Downloads

Jun 02


Totally clean and totally welcome

Miscellaneous 2024

Numbers 19 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 42mins

Apr 07


Mucky feet and amazing love

Miscellaneous 2024

John 13:3-8 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Play Video Download PDF 28mins

Jan 21


Is there a better way to be than ‘just be yourself’?

Big Questions

Mark 8:34-36 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 33mins
2023 Title/Series Scripture/Speaker Downloads

Dec 17


Jesus - real light in the darkness

Christmas sermons

John 1:9-14 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 22mins

Nov 26


Isaiah’s Carol: The Weary World Rejoices

The Original Christmas Carols

Isaiah 9:2-7 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Play Video Download PDF 37mins

Oct 01


Hiding nothing, holding nothing back

Meeting the real God in Joshua

Joshua 7 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 45mins

Sep 17


What to do when God turns up

Meeting the real God in Joshua

Joshua 2 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 41mins

Sep 03


Surrendering to God

Meeting the real God in Joshua

Joshua 5:1 - 6:5 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 44mins

Jul 02


Seeking the flourishing of our city

Miscellaneous 2023

Jeremiah 29:1-14 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Play Video Download PDF 42mins

Mar 05


Fear, Faith, and an Overflowing Heart

Miscellaneous 2023

Psalm 71 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Play Video Download PDF 39mins

Feb 19


Waiting with someone we can trust

Miscellaneous 2023

Psalm 33 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 35mins

Feb 12


The unexpected path to joy

Miscellaneous 2023

Psalm 32 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 39mins
2022 Title/Series Scripture/Speaker Downloads

Apr 10


The truth will set you free

Miscellaneous 2022

John 8:31 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Play Video 23mins

Apr 03


Why hope changes everything

Miscellaneous 2022

1 Corinthians 15 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Play Video 37mins

Mar 06


Come and see

John 1:43-51 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Play Video Download PDF 38mins

Feb 13


Come to the Waters: God’s invitation to us

Miscellaneous 2022

Isaiah 55:1-7 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 49mins
2020 Title/Series Scripture/Speaker Downloads

May 24


Embracing Fragility

Miscellaneous 2020

Psalm 103:8-18 Mike Hood & Matt Lillicrap Play Audio Download MP3 Play Video 23mins

Feb 09


How can you know that God loves you?

Miscellaneous 2020

Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 45mins
2019 Title/Series Scripture/Speaker Downloads

Jun 02


How can we be confident in who we are?

Miscellaneous 2019

Matthew 3:13 - 4:11 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 35mins

Mar 31


The deepest kind of freedom

Miscellaneous 2019

Romans 8:1-4 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 38mins
2018 Title/Series Scripture/Speaker Downloads

Aug 05


What’s the point of humility?

Studies in Philippians 1-3

Philippians 2:1-4 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 34mins
2016 Title/Series Scripture/Speaker Downloads

Jul 24


How not to be a rich fool

Tales of the unexpected

Luke 12:13-21 Mike Hood Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 32mins