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2009 Title/Series Scripture/Speaker Downloads

Sep 06


Redeemed by his blood: Exploring “Effectual atonement”

The glories of sovereign grace

Dave Gobbett Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 39mins

Aug 30


A barbecue with Jesus

Peter by the lake

John 21 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 44mins

Aug 23


Walking on water

Peter by the lake

Matthew 14:22-36 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 37mins

Aug 16


Chosen from eternity: exploring “Unconditional election”

The glories of sovereign grace

Dave Gobbett Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 39mins

Aug 09


Rotten to the core: Exploring “Total depravity”

The glories of sovereign grace

Dave Gobbett Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 43mins

Jul 19


Telling the message

Miscellaneous 2009

Acts 5:22 David Robertson Play Audio Download MP3 51mins

Jul 12


Glorifying service in self-obsessed times

Miscellaneous 2009

1 Peter 4:10-11 Dan Strange Play Audio Download MP3 40mins

Jun 28


Amazing Grace

The one God chose (Studies in the life of David)

2 Samuel 12 Marvin Wong Play Audio Download MP3 39mins


Partners for life: learn to share

Partners for life

Philippians 4:10-23 Dave Gobbett Play Audio Download MP3 34mins

Jun 21


When heroes fall

The one God chose (Studies in the life of David)

2 Samuel 11 Marvin Wong Play Audio Download MP3 43mins


Out of Africa: Biblical responses to the poor and needy

Miscellaneous 2009

James 2:14-26 Dave Ellerton Play Audio Download MP3 36mins

Jun 14


A king forever

The one God chose (Studies in the life of David)

2 Samuel 7 Marvin Wong Play Audio Download MP3 37mins


Partners for life: live in peace

Partners for life

Philippians 4:2-9 Dave Gobbett Play Audio Download MP3 35mins

Jun 07


Means and ends

The one God chose (Studies in the life of David)

1 Samuel 24 Marvin Wong Play Audio Download MP3 37mins


Partners for life: long for heaven

Partners for life

Philippians 3:12 - 4:1 Dave Gobbett Play Audio Download MP3 36mins

May 31


Unbreakable bonds

The one God chose (Studies in the life of David)

1 Samuel 20 Marvin Wong Play Audio Download MP3 43mins


Partners for life: treasure Christ

Partners for life

Philippians 3:1-11 Dave Gobbett Play Audio Download MP3 30mins

May 24


Fight a worthy cause

The one God chose (Studies in the life of David)

1 Samuel 17 Marvin Wong Play Audio Download MP3 44mins


Partners for life: shine like stars

Partners for life

Philippians 2:12-30 Dave Gobbett Play Audio Download MP3 35mins

May 17


Living by Grace

Miscellaneous 2009

Joshua 2 Marcus Honeysett Play Audio Download MP3 31mins


Partners for life: serve like Jesus

Partners for life

Philippians 2:1-11 Dave Gobbett Play Audio Download MP3 40mins

May 10


Insight better than sight

The one God chose (Studies in the life of David)

1 Samuel 16:1-13 Marvin Wong Play Audio Download MP3 32mins

May 03


The Death of Death

A matter of life and death (1 Corinthians 15)

1 Corinthians 15:50-58 Dave Gobbett Play Audio Download MP3 37mins


Unfit to lead

A leader we asked for (Studies in the life of Saul)

1 Samuel 13 Marvin Wong Play Audio Download MP3 42mins

Apr 26


Blinded by success

A leader we asked for (Studies in the life of Saul - 1 Samuel)

1 Samuel 11 Marvin Wong Play Audio Download MP3 38mins
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